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Church while staying at home

Listen to services online


The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston offers its Sunday and Wednesday services for you to listen in online.


New services become available at 10 AM EDT on Sundays and 2 PM EDT on Wednesdays.

Passages and articles suggested by church members on the topic of safety and justice:


“Let us learn of the real and eternal, and prepare for the reign of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven, - the reign and rule of universal harmony, which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen.”

Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures

by Mary Baker Eddy 208:20



"The walls must fall"
by Sandra Luerssen Hoerner

in the May 1991 issue
of The Christian Science Journal


“Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”
Matthew 21:22


"...blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” 
John 20:29


“Wonderful Things are Happening” by Dorothy B. Rieke, CS


“Rise in the strength of spirit to resist all that is unlike good.  God has made man capable of this and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man. “

Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures

by Mary Baker Eddy, pg. 393




“These two words in Scripture suggest the sweetest similes to be found in any language-rock and feathers;  “Upon this rock I will build my church;” “He shall cover thee with His feathers.”  How blessed it is to think you as ‘beneath the shadow of a great rock in a weary land,” safe in His strength, building on His foundation, and covered from the devourer by divine protection and affection.  Always bear in mind that His presence, power, and peace meet all human needs and reflect all bliss.”
Miscellaneous Writings
by Mary Baker Eddy 263: 5


Community hymn sing


The Willows is hosting a community hymn sing. As they put it:


"Let's inspire our community and yours with singing! Each week we’ll be singing from our front porches at 1 pm—you sing from wherever you are (keeping in mind social distancing). We’ll let you know the hymns a few days ahead of time."

Church by phone


First Church of Christ, Scientist in Auburn offers the option of teleconferencing to participate in Wednesday evening testimony meetings at 7 PM. The number to call is (319) 527 - 4836.



If you can continue to contribute to the church at this time it would be greatly appreciated and would help defray the unavoidable overhead.


Checks filled out to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chico, and mailed to the church at 770 Palmetto Ave., Chico, CA 95926 will be gratefully received by our Treasurers.

The Principle Foundation


Christian Scientists in dire financial straits at this time are warmly encouraged to contact the Principle Foundation.

JSH Online


Many articles and testimonies are available at JSH Online to inspire you whether or not you have a subscription.

Invitation to teleconference with the Berkeley Christian Science Society


Dear Fellow Christian Scientists,


In this time of "sheltering",  it is good to share and uphold our spiritual strength together.   In case your church is not teleconferencing,  we would like to invite you to call in to the Christian Science Society, Berkeley Sunday service at 11 am by phone.


Here are the details:


CS Society Teleconference Access

1 (605) 313-5107

You will be asked to enter the Access code  939517#


People can call in anytime after 10:45 am. No one needs to announce themselves or mute, since the readers can do that on their end. Our organist has recorded piano accompaniment for the hymns, but there will be no solo. Our readers will read the Lesson Sermon as usual. 


You may call Toni Garrett at 510-774-9505 if you need help accessing the service.  



Christian Science Society, Berkeley

Inspirational and timely reading  suggested by Chico church members:



Please email your suggestions to the Clerk at

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